It is about something Greater than simply designing clothing.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Just thinking (In the Car, God's Mercy)

This morning as I was driving to work some thoughts came to mind about our relationship with God. We are in a relationship with a God who is omniscient. He is The God who knows everything about us. He knows our thoughts before you even think them. Before we were born He knew us. Every choice we make, every decision we make, God already knows before it happens. It is difficult for many to wrap their minds around the omniscience of God.

I began to imagine the relationship that I have with my daughter Makiyah. Although she is only two I can still use her in this illustration. Let’s say that similar to God I am omniscient in that I know everything about my daughter and everything she will ever do in her life in the same way that God knows everything about us. I know every decision she will make… So my daughter loves me.. She always says to me, “Daddy, I love you”… She is always thankful for all that I do for her, for providing for her, for giving her everything that she needs… She is always saying, “Daddy, I will obey what you say”… In everything that she says to me I simply respond back with, “I love you too hun”, “Yes, I will provide all of your needs hun,”….. Because I am omniscient I know that two weeks later, despite what my daughter says to me today at this moment, I know she will knowingly disobey me on Tuesday morning at 8:56am. I know that on Wednesday at 2:15 in the morning she is going to lie to me…. I know that on Friday, she is going to totally ignore me and focus on herself. But I don’t change. I don’t love her any less. And I don’t respond to her today based on what she will do in the future. I deal with her and correct her in the future.

I then began to think about our relationship with God in the same way… despite all of our worship… despite all we say on Sunday morning, despite how much we read, study, pray.. despite how many tears we shed.. despite how many times we repent…, despite all of our promises, God still loves us… knowing all the horrible things we will do the next day. We sometimes shout, cry, worship God zealously on Sunday morning… but on Monday we live as if we don’t even have a relationship with Him, or as if He can’t see all that we do. God doesn’t change; He still accepts our prayers, our worship, our thank you’s, out petitions.. He still blesses us, still protects us, knowing that we are not faithful… Knowing everything we will do, He doesn’t respond today based on tomorrow.

God’s mercy, His love is amazing. God can do this because He is God, and because He knows that we are in the process of perfection (sanctification). It will not be like this always. God Himself will see to it that we arrive to that place where we are consistently, habitually, doers of His Word…

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